Mark Blumstein

Town Manager

Address: 9293 Harding Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154

Phone: 305.861.4863 ext 225

Mark Blumstein has served as the Town Manager of Surfside since December 2, 2024. Mr. Blumstein is responsible for providing executive level leadership, vision, and guidance to the organization, providing recommendations to the Town Commission, and implementing policy directives in an efficient and effective manner – all part of an incredibly diverse and dynamic community. Before being named Town Manager, Mr. Blumstein served as the Town Attorney since March 25, 2024.

Previously, Mr. Blumstein served as a State of Florida Circuit Court Judge of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida. As a Circuit Court Judge, Mr. Blumstein delivered justice for millions of residents and visitors within Miami-Dade County, Florida involving legal disputes before the Dependency, Criminal and Civil Divisions of the Court. He presided over death penalty cases, public corruption cases and class action cases. He also presided over legal disputes between the county and its municipalities involving home rule issues and the exercise of police power.

Mr. Blumstein has also been a member in good standing of The Florida Bar since 1996. He is a retired member of the U.S. Navy, Judge Advocate General’s Corps, having served as a Prosecutor, Defense Counsel, and International Law Attorney within and throughout the United States, overseas and aboard various United States Ships. In his civil practice, Mr. Blumstein served as counsel for national and international corporations as a partner of a private law firm and at his own law firm here in Miami-Dade County.

Mr. Blumstein has served on various public boards and commissions over his career including the Eleventh Circuit Grievance Committee, the Miami-Dade Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee, the Miami-Dade County Military Affairs Advisory Board, and is presently active with the Miami-Dade Military Museum.

He is a proud graduate of Miami Beach Senior High School (“Home of the High Tides”), the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and focus in Finance (“Go Gators”), and the Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University where he graduated Magna Cum Laude.

As the Chief Executive Officer of the Town, Mr. Blumstein is responsible for the development and oversight of an operating budget of approximately $50 million, more than 130 employees amongst several departments, and an evolving Capital Improvement Plan, including stormwater drainage improvements, infrastructure improvements, the undergrounding of utilities, the Surfside Memorial project, the Beach Dune Renourishment project, the Collins Avenue water main project, as well as other evolving municipal projects. As a long-time resident of the Town of Surfside, Mr. Blumstein has the best interest of the Town at heart in his service to the Town. His door is always open, and he stands ready to resolve any issues to the best of his abilities.