Enrique (Henry) Doce

Chief of Police

Address: 9293 Harding Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154

Phone: 305.861.4862

Fax: 305.861.8960

Edward Wayne Holbrook

Assistant Chief of Police

Address: 9293 Harding Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154

Phone: 305.861.4862

Fax: 305.861.8960

Welcome to the Surfside Police Department's Website

This site introduces you to our Agency and provides an overview of our services. The Police Department is located at 9293 Harding Avenue, Surfside Fl.

The Surfside Police Department has adopted a proactive policing philosophy and embraces its approach to developing community partnerships and problem solving. Our employees are extremely proud of our tradition and are committed to public service and to ensuring the safety of our residents and visitors. We are dedicated to provide quality police service to our residents, businesses and tourists.

The Surfside Police Department is proud to be State Accredited through the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, Inc. The Department was awarded initial State Accreditation through CFA on October 28, 2009, Re-Accreditation Status on September 27, 2012, its second Re-Accreditation Status on February 24, 2016, and a third Re-Accreditation in late 2019 . The Surfside Police Department received the Rocky Pomerance Excellence in Policing Award from the Florida Police Chiefs Association in 2009.

Mission Statement:

To provide the highest level of police service to the community we serve in a professional, courteous, ethical and judicious manner.


Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, Excellence.


Surfside Police Department is committed to be a progressive law enforcement agency that is dedicated to the safety and quality of life of the community.

The Surfside Police Department lives by its mission statement, vision and values. The Department prides itself on its high level of customer service and the many problem-solving partnerships that it has established with the citizens and businesses it serves.