Andre Eugent

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Director & Acting Public Works Director

Address: 9293 HARDING AVENUE, SURFSIDE, FL 33154

Phone: 305-299-3280

Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Frantza Duval

Assistant Public Works Director

Address: 9293 Harding Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154

Phone: 305.861.4863

Fax: 305.861.1302

Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Mission Statement:

The Public Works Department provides for the effective management and maintenance of the Town’s roadways, infrastructure systems, and buildings as well as the management and supervision of the solid waste collection operation and the storm water, water/sewer utilities.

Services, Functions, and Activities:

The Public Works Department provides for the effective management and maintenance of the Town’s roadways, infrastructure systems, and facilities as well as the management and supervision of the solid waste collection operation and the storm water and water/sewer utilities. The department also responds to and assists other Town departments in emergencies and instances of severe weather preparation and recovery. The Department is directly responsible for several specialized divisions: public works – administration, capital improvement plan management, general maintenance, facilities maintenance and street maintenance, solid waste, water and sewer, and storm water.

Administration: The Public Works Director is responsible for all administrative activity for the Department such as management of all the day-to-day field operations, personnel management, departmental records management, agenda preparation, research, customer service, and all related managerial responsibilities.

Capital Improvement Plan Management: This area of responsibility includes coordination, planning, and management of infrastructure related improvements within the Town. An example of current projects includes the seawall replacement. Contract management related to capital improvement projects rests with the Public Works Department.

General Maintenance: This area of responsibility includes needs identification, assignment and supervision for general maintenance to Town property including: equipment, grounds, streets, vehicles and landscape maintenance as well as miscellaneous maintenance items.

Facilities Maintenance: Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of all Town owned buildings and provides support services such as painting, plumbing, air conditioning, construction and electrical. Facilities maintenance also includes oversight/supervision of contracted vendors providing work related to large maintenance projects.

Street Maintenance: Maintenance of roadways, roadway cleaning, coordination with other departments regarding community bus schedules, and roadway hazards is the responsibility of Public Works. Expenditures directly related to street operations are identified within this section either by title or by the presence of “541” in the line item coding.

Solid Waste Division: The division provides services for garbage, yard waste and recycling collection and disposal services for 1,200 residential accounts and 137 commercial accounts. A new function of the Solid Waste Division is recycling for residential and commercial accounts, which in the past was a county function.

Storm Water Division: The division is responsible for all storm water drainage in the Town and is focused on providing functional, well maintained drainage to minimize flooding. The division plans and manages improvements, maintains efficient storm water collection, routing and pumping systems, repairs storm water infrastructure and is responsible for maintaining permitting compliance under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.

Water and Sewer Division: This division provides planning, maintenance and repair of water supply and sanitary sewer systems pipelines, valves, manholes, and hydrants along with maintenance and monitoring of sanitary and sewer pump stations. This division is also responsible for reading and installation of water meters and the related billing function.