Town of Surfside Leads Public Forum to Address Drainage and Flooding Challenges

The Town of Surfside held the latest Drainage Improvement & Flood Hazard Mitigation  Forum on Thursday, July 13 in the Community Center. The forum's primary focus was to address drainage and flooding issues in Town while looking at short and long term challenges.

At the forum, Mayor Danzinger was joined by Commissioners Landsman and Meischeid, Town Manager Hector Gomez, the Public Works team, Planning Director and other staff in addition to expert engineers from consultant firm Brizaga.

A number of residents participated in person and on Zoom highlighting the importance of community involvement when discussing issues that affect all residents.

Please click here to watch the meeting presentation.
Please click here to watch the Q&A session.

Town of Surfside Drainage Improvement & Flood Hazard Mitigation Town Hall Forum


šŸŽ„ View the presentation from the Oct. 27 Public Town Hall meeting.