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Receive emergency alerts from the Surfside Police Department directly to your phone, email or text message. Alternatively, residents can also text "Surfside" to 888-777 to register for AlertSurfside through Everbridge. If you do not have Internet access, please contact Dina Goldstein at 305.861.4862 extension 210, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., to register by phone.
Let's stay connected. Alert Surfside is the best way for us to reach you and your family in an emergency and with other important Town news. Through Everbridge, we have launched a new mass notification service that allows us to alert you. The information you provide is protected and will not be used for any other purpose.
When we issue a notification about a potential safety hazard or concern, you will receive a message on the voice or text communication methods that you have registered. If requested for the notification, you can confirm that you have received the message and you will not be contacted by any subsequent methods regarding that particular notification. If you do not confirm, the system will continue to attempt to reach you at all of the contact paths that you have registered.
Create an account and add your contact and location information into the Mass Notification system. All information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.
You can stop receiving at any time by removing your contact information from your profile.
Download the CodeRED Mobile Alert app