Address: 9293 Harding Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154

Phone: 305.861.4863

Fax: 305.861.1302

Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Genesis Guevara

Deputy Town Clerk

Address: 9293 Harding Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154

Phone: 305.861.4863

Fax: 305.861.1302

Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Priscilla Krutules

Assistant to the Town Clerk

Mission Statement:

The mission of the Town Clerk's office is to ensure effective functioning of the Town’s governance process while concurrently maintaining quality customer service to members of the public, Town Commission and Town staff by utilizing the best possible technological solutions to provide accessible information including access to the Town’s official records, archives, and the Town Commission agenda.

Services, Functions and Activities:

The Town Clerk preserves the integrity of the Town’s official records, which encompass business transactions, law and policy making. The Office of Town Clerk is established by Town Charter and provides a variety of information services to the public, the Town Commission and to staff. Services provided to the public include coordination of information requests and coordination of municipal and special elections. Services provided to the Town Commission include scheduling, agenda preparation, recording of minutes, publishing and distributing public notices and legal advertising as required by law, and other duties related to the coordination of Town Commission meetings, recording and retention of documents.

Town Clerk Administration: The Town Clerk manages the department’s personnel, schedule creation, coordination with internal departments and external vendors. The Town Clerk records and transcribes the minutes of all Town meetings and serves as Clerk for Special Master Hearings. Ordinances and Resolutions passed by the Town Commission are permanently archived by the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk handles all public records requests for the Town in accordance with Florida Statutes.

Legislative: In addition to the services above identified to the Town Commission, the Town Clerk’s office is responsible for the management of the Legislative Department’s budget.